We are used to making sure children and our neurodivergent folk were made to fit the mold. The whole square peg, round hole thing. It used to be the land of disorder and deficit-based thinking, and we were made to feel less than for not fitting in, or our children not fitting in.
You may have tried traditional strategies that just haven't worked, and you'd like to be in a space to know what does work.
That’s where we come in.
Sandhya is an experienced practitioner working with autistic/ADHDer children and their families to help support you in leading an authentically neurodivergent life. She offers strategies, education and tools that work with the way your brain works, rather than against.
She is on a mission to help spread neuro-affirming information to families, schools and workplaces to help provide inclusive frameworks and pedagogies for better mental health outcomes for neurodivergent individuals.
Sandhya offers parent workshops, training for educational staff, clinicians and professionals, as well as educational resources as alternative avenues of supporting families in our community.