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Welcome to the group! This group is all for parents who are boldly finding their own pathway, working through life done neurodivergently and what this looks like. It's a place to come to bond with others, seek connections and gain insight. Members are asked to share respectfully and be mindful of the emotional load that can come when sharing from a place of trauma. This is not a mental health forum and individualised advice cannot be provided. Parents are asked to consider whether recommendations made are right for them and their family. Feel free to come on in, pop up an introductory post about you and your family, and what you're looking for in forums like this.


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  • December 5, 2024


  • Sandhya Menon

    Created by

Onwards and Upwards Psychology

0420 758 437

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You’ll get to listen to my musings on neurodiversity, anxiety, parenting and the journey to accepting yourself. 

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Onwards and Upwards Psychology respectfully operates on the land of the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung and Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging and seek to understand the long-living Australian culture with humility and respect. We acknowledge that sovereignty was not ceded. We are committed to action that pro-actively works towards the healing of trauma.  We offer bulk-billing psychological services to those of Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal descent as a small way of closing this gap.

© Onwards & Upwards Psychology 2023

Website by Techno Bird

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